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Sankofa Scholarship Fund

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Sankofa Scholarship Fund

The Evangelical Covenant Church is committed to joining God in making things right in our fractured world. Over the last 25 years, Sankofa has become a cornerstone of Covenant discipleship, playing an instrumental role in our ability to make disciples, who make disciples, in a more caring and just world. Sankofa has transformed enumerable lives, cultivating compassionate eyes to see, empathetic ears to hear, and tender hearts to respond to God’s missional activity in the world.

Sankofa has produced lifelong friendships, new ministry initiatives, and a host of missional opportunities that have birthed Kingdom fruit. This immersive discipleship experience creates an opportunity for Christian fellowship, communal discernment, and honest reflection, allowing us to learn from the past, and chart a more faithful future together. Sankofa equips participants to become ambassadors of reconciliation and repairers of the breach.

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