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Ministry in the Arts

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Ministry in the Arts

Serve Globally personnel in France have partnered for more than 20 years with local ministries in the arts. This project was created to address the ongoing spiritual and practical needs of Christian artists in France and throughout Europe. Many are seeking connection with other artists who have as their common ground a commitment to work as Christians communicating the heart of God in secular society. They seek to grow spiritually and professionally.

This project provides Christian community both online and at the local level for spiritual support. It gives opportunity for deepening their relationship with the Lord through spiritual retreats. International forums are also organized, encouraging artists as they see how God is moving through art projects around the world. Biblical teachings on subjects that concern artists are produced and made available online, challenging them spiritually and artistically. Coaching is also provided, helping younger artists to become more professional in the presentation of their work.

Another element of this project is to help local congregations grow in their understanding of art, so they can encourage and affirm creative gifts in worship and mission.