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Supporting Theological Education in East Asia

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Supporting Theological Education in East Asia
2024 PROJECT GOAL: $20,000

A young pastor opens his laptop and prepares for classes for the day. As the use of technology in online learning has expanded, doors are opening for those called to be equipped to serve the church in their local context.

Seminaries and churches in East Asia are trying to thrive in a persecuted context where they are monitored by a country with the most advanced surveillance in the world. Due to security reasons, local seminaries in East Asia cannot be accredited. As a result, overseas seminaries offering online theological education have become the primary option for training pastors and church leaders in this context. 

There is a pressing need for leaders of these seminaries to come together, share experiences, and learn best practices for the good news of the gospel to be spread in their context. These seminaries would benefit from greater collaboration and resourcing.

As a crucial first step, a two-day retreat toward fostering further collaboration among these seminaries has been planned. Leaders of these theological learning institutions will have invaluable time together to share resources and encourage one another after decades of operating in isolation due to security concerns. 

Access to contextualized theological resources for indigenous leadership is of deep value and is continuing to make an impact in the spread of the gospel worldwide. Will you join us in support of theological education in this region
of Asia?