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Providing Practical Aid to War-Torn Ukraine

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Providing Practical Aid to War-Torn Ukraine
2024 PROJECT GOAL: $50,000

The size of Andrii and Lilya’s family increased significantly not long after the war began in Ukraine. After learning of four children who had been orphaned in their community, the couple opened their home to the siblings to provide them with a loving family and a road to healing. 

The father of the children was killed during the occupation and their mother became ill and died a short time later. Andrii and Lilya did not have the financial resources for a larger home or higher grocery bill, which is where WeCare Centers stepped in to help.

WeCare Centers is a growing network of Christian nonprofits working with the Ukraine Partnership Foundation to provide practical aid to people suffering from the ravages of war. Such aid includes food, clothing, housing, work, companionship, trauma counseling, and spiritual care. As Andrii and Lilya opened their home to the siblings, WeCare Centers raised funds to accommodate their rent in a larger home and donations of food and clothing for their family.

As Ukraine endures great loss in the midst of the war, the need for practical aid mounts daily. It is estimated that 40 percent of Ukrainians—more than 14.6 million people—will need humanitarian assistance in 2024. In the middle of destruction and despair, WeCare Centers stand as a place of hope and healing in their communities.

Partner with WeCare Centers in providing practical assistance to Ukrainians impacted by war.