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Preparing for the Next Generation of Campers in Ecuador

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Preparing for the Next Generation of Campers in Ecuador
2024 PROJECT GOAL: $60,000

Traveling for hours through the Andes mountains or the Amazon jungle, our Covenant sisters and brothers in Ecuador gather throughout the year at their beloved camp in Santo Domingo. 

Tucked between banana fields in the center of the country, el campamento has a long legacy as a sacred space for generations of campers. Just like camping ministries in the Covenant throughout the US and Canada, camping ministry in Ecuador has been vibrant for decades. El campamento provides space for retreats, workshops, youth camps, seminary classes, and even temporary housing for many families after the 2016 earthquake that destroyed Ecuador’s coast.

After years of faithfully serving campers, el campamento is in need of repairs. Updates and renovations are being drawn up that will allow the ministry to grow in the years ahead. Plans are underway to improve the facility and hire a camp administrator who will work collaboratively with the church to help the camp prepare for more years of Covenant campers and the space to provide deep discipleship opportunities for current and future generations. Future plans include opening the facility more broadly to generate income to be invested in other ministries, making it more sustainable.

We invite you to demonstrate our shared love for camping ministries and value of the life-changing role they play in our walk with Christ. Partner with our brothers and sisters in Ecuador to update and renovate el campamento to enable ministry for years to come.