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Mobilizing Gen Z to Global Mission

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Mobilizing Gen Z to Global Mission
2024 PROJECT GOAL: $15,000

Gen Z (individuals born between 1997 and 2012) is a generation that cares deeply about the world and wants to be part of God's healing work in it.

They are interested in mission as a countercultural response to suffering, and they highly value justice and compassion. As plans are underway for the Unite conference (formerly CHIC) in July 2024, Serve Globally is excited to engage the youth of today as they prepare to be the leaders of tomorrow.

Serve Globally has the opportunity to inspire and mobilize thousands of young people for mission at these nationwide Covenant youth events through experiential learning, workshops, and pathways to engage with God’s world. As Covenant youth connect with our global personnel, partners, and staff; learn about our neighbors and advocate with them; or wrestle with what mission looks like in the 21st century through honest conversation—our hope is that they will see God at work through the global Church and expand their vision of the world and their place in it. The Serve Globally workshops and learning experiences will provide youth with tools and avenues to engage in global mission and see themselves as part of God’s mission of healing and reconciliation in our world.

Unite/CHIC has been a life-changing event for many in the denomination throughout the years. It has helped shape many in their life of faith and has called generations to lead lives of service and significance. 

Make a gift to support global mission workshops and learning experiences at Unite 2024. Your partnership will prepare to mobilize Gen Z to serve globally in culturally relevant and effective ways.