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Investing in Early Childhood Education in the Middle East

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Investing in Early Childhood Education in the Middle East
2024 PROJECT GOAL: $14,500

When Yassin’s parents noticed that he didn’t start speaking along with many of his peers, they considered speech therapy. However, their village was far from the city, so it would have been difficult to travel such a long distance regularly. 

When a preschool opened in their village, Yassin was one of the earliest children to enroll. With the help of the trained educators, Yassin soon developed important language and social skills. His mother, Sally, was proud to overhear her son counting to 10 in both Arabic and English. 

With more than a third of the population in the area living below the poverty line, many communities lack the resources to provide their youngest children with the early education needed to set them up for a lifetime of learning and success. Our partner in MENA (not named for security reasons) is committed to providing access to education for marginalized communities. They recently identified another community that can benefit from the addition of a preschool. Along with investing in the children, the school will provide parenting and basic health and hygiene classes, building community and opportunities for connection in the village.

Our partners in MENA are doing the good work of the gospel to build community and work for the flourishing of generations to come in often overlooked neighborhoods. Join them in investing in the lives of children like Yassin.