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Furthering Mercy and Justice Efforts

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Furthering Mercy and Justice Efforts 

Thank you for your support for our 2023 project of furthering mercy and justice efforts to deepen partnerships in the pursuit of justice. We know that geography and language can create unique contexts. Serve Globally and Serve Locally mission priorities have come together to craft best practice ministry responses in cross-cultural settings. The FREE initiative highlights the impact of collaboration that enables us to respond to God’s call in Isaiah 1:17, “Learn to do good, seek justice, and encourage the oppressed” in our world. We seek to explore and collaborate in other areas, including our efforts around disaster response in both domestic and international contexts. Anti-trafficking ministries, caring for victims of abuse, and serving people who are oppressed and marginalized benefit when cross-cultural understanding is expanded. 

Your gifts have helped to build a framework that will enable leaders from local churches, Serve Globally, and Serve Locally to gather in 2024. The gathering will focus on how to equip the local church to effectively collaborate on our shared values of justice and mercy locally and globally. Thank you for your continued support as this collaboration continues to come to fruition.