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Empowering Local Communities in South Africa

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Empowering Local Communities in South Africa

Since 2015, Zimele Wethu has been responding to abject poverty in their community resulting from apartheid, male dominance perpetuated by cultural norms, and the impact of HIV and AIDS, which has claimed productivity of breadwinners and too many lives. Zimele Wethu is a leader in a widespread community development initiative that is transforming local populations for Christ through Self-Help Groups. These Self-Help Groups have helped members build a vision of communal developmental goals, become agents of their change, and begin to generate wealth that will transform communities for generations to come. 

Through your generosity to FOWM 2023, Zimele Wethu added nearly 300 Self-Help Group members and continued to resource over 6,000 members already in the program. It is estimated that more than 30,000 people are impacted by the work of these Self-Help Groups. Thank you for your support of Zimele Wethu as they are an agent for change and empowerment in South Africa.