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Building Infrastructure for Theological Formation in DR Congo

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Building Infrastructure for Theological Formation in DR Congo
2024 PROJECT GOAL: $100,000

As the sun sets in rural Congo, theology students are gathering for their evening training. After class opens in prayer, the click of flashlights turning on echoes throughout the room. Teachers and students alike strain their eyes as darkness settles over the landscape and they dive into the Scriptures, settling in for an evening of theological formation.

Our sister Covenant church in the DR Congo, Communauté Évangélique de l’Ubangi-Mongala (CEUM), is working faithfully to invest in their pastors and church leaders as they serve the church today and prepare for the church of tomorrow. Church planting continues to thrive, and many congregations are getting their start in open structures under thatched roofs, becoming salt and light in their communities while operating with a budget of less than $500 a year. 

Our Congolese sisters and brothers are inviting us to partner with them through investing in the infrastructure of spaces where believers gather to worship and leaders gather to learn. Church communities currently meeting in temporary spaces will construct a more permanent structure, and the three biblical institutions of the CEUM will install solar panels so they can utilize their classrooms well into the evening. These investments in infrastructure will provide the needed space for the Covenant Church in DR Congo to continue to transform their communities for Christ.

As you turn on the lights in your home today, we invite you to partner with us to share the gift of light with our brothers and sisters in the DR Congo.